Houston Panhellenic
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Houston Panhellenic Executive Council

Teddie Hall
Major: Marketing with minor in Spanish
Pledge Class: Fall 2022
"Being a part of this dynamic community means more than just Greek letters -- it's about fostering connections, leadership, and making a meaningful impact on campus. From organizing events to promoting sisterhood, every moment is about growth and empowerment, which is why I decided to join this amazing council! Excited for the journey ahead!"

Haley Woodall
Major: Exercise Science Pre-Physical Therapy
Pledge Class: Fall 2022
"I decided to join HPC to make a difference within Panhellenic and give back to the community that we all value. I wanted to work with women beyond my chapter to make Greek life something everyone would want to be a part of. I loved getting the chance to go through recruitment, and I want to give that same experience to so many more women on our campus and in our community."

Maryann Truong
Major: Finance
Pledge Class: Fall 2022
"I joined HPC because I wanted to get more involved with the Panhellenic community. I also wanted to be a part of improving and growing our community. Since joining HPC, I've found that it has been exactly the community I was looking for and much more!"

Kayler Burnett
Major: Finance and Marketing
Pledge Class: Fall 2021
"I joined HPC because I wanted to support our Panhellenic community and grow outside my chapter. Serving on HPC Exec has allowed me to make meaningful connections with others who share similar goals for Greek life here at UH. Through my position, I hope to make an impact and create positive change within the community!"

Major: Chemistry with minor in Math and Biology
Pledge Class: Fall 2021
"I joined HPC because I wanted to build a community women empowerment and build a stronger connection within the different Panhellenic chapters. I felt that this position would be great for me by working with individuals that have the same goals of making a difference and creating bonds with each other while working on personal empowerment."

Kailey DeLorenzo
Major: Entrepreneurship
Pledge Class: Fall 2021
"I joined HPC to be apart of a greater purpose in empowering and advocating for women within our college community. Through my HPC position, I will have the opportunity to work with likeminded women who strive to motivate others, lead by example, and equip other women in our community with skills for a lifetime."

Neha Wadahwan
Major: Accounting and Finance
Pledge Class: Spring 2023
"I joined HPC because I wanted to be able to serve on a council that allows me to contribute my skills and ideas towards promoting unity and collaboration among Greek life. Panhellenic life goes above surface level and I am so happy to represent my chapter in this council of talented women!"

Major: Psychology
Pledge Class: Fall 2020
"I've always strived to make a difference and have a positive impact on the world and people around me. I saw that I could make a change in my Panhellenic community and use my experience to provide guidance and support to the women of our community. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to serve and help the future of our community find their place here."