What is a letter of recommendation?
A recommendation is a personal letter of reference written by an alumnae member of a sorority to introduce a potential new member to her sorority. In the recommendation, the alumnae will write about your activities and talents so the sorority can get acquainted with you before recruitment begins.
Do I have to have letters of recommendation to go through recruitment?
Recommendation letters are not required to go through recruitment. Not submitting a letter does not negatively impact your chances during the recruitment process. Each year, there are women who join chapters without securing any letters of recommendation prior to recruitment.
We encourage you to register with your local Panhellenic Council. They can help you with the letters and our chapters find it very beneficial. The best way to find your local Panhellenic Council is to Google your hometown and then Panhellenic Council. For example: if you're from Kingwood, TX, then you would Google "Kingwood, TX Panhellenic Council".
When is the last day to submit Letters of Recommendation?
The last day to submit a Letter of Recommendation is September 12th, the deadline to register for recruitment.
If you would like to provide the chapters with recommendation letters before the deadline, please mail or submit them electronically using the following information:
(Updated 8/2024)
Alpha Chi Omega
Jennifer Zuber-Garrison
P.O. Box 920839
Houston, TX 77292
Chi Omega
720 Bayland Ave
Houston, TX 77009
Delta Gamma
Delta Gamma EVC
5063 Calhoun Rd, Houston, TX 77004
Townhouse #4
Delta Zeta
Catherine Watkins
1731 Redwing Ridge Drive
Houston, TX 77009
Phi Mu
Fernanda Najera
18515 Apple Bud Ct
Houston, TX 77073
Zeta Tau Alpha
Lauren Evenson Stratton
109 W 10th St
Houston, TX 77008
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Panhellenic. You can reach Livia Rosario, Panhellenic's Vice President of Recruitment at